photo of flower to be used as: Pot, bedding, patio Lantana camara Lucky™ Lemon Glow

New Entry 2011
Lantana camara
"Lucky™ Lemon Glow"
Flowering period: May -

Height 50 - 75 cm
Spread: 25 - 50 cm
Habit: Upright
Flower type: Simple
Size: 3 - 5 cm
Leaf Color Dark
Placement: Sun
Water Average
Fertilizer need: Average
Typical use Pot, bedding, patio
Plant type: Multiannual

Class New Entry 2011

Lucky™ stands up well to heat, humidity and other stressful conditions. The first series staying upright and mounded with a controlled habit all season, making the varieties ideal for small-space gardens and containers. The dark green foliage contrasts beautifully with the bright flower colors. All varieties set much less seeds than other series. Less seed set means more continuous flowering.
A high quality addition to the series is Lemon Glow, starting with deep yellow buttons flowers in fully bloom with an intensive yellow centre.