Flower Finder

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Alphabetical list of Cut flower varieties

Plant TypeUseColour GroupFlower type
Achillea millefolium Colorado PerennialCutflowerMixSpiked
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Cream PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteClustered
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Deep Rose PerennialBedding / border plantPinkClustered
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Light Yellow PerennialBedding / border plantYellowClustered
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Red PerennialBedding / border plantRedClustered
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Terracotta PerennialBedding / border plantBronze/brownClustered
Achillea millefolium Desert Eve Yellow PerennialBedding / border plantYellowClustered
Achillea sibirica Love Parade PerennialBedding / border plantPinkCrested
Agastache mexicana Sangria PerennialPatio, beddingRedSpiked
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Antartica PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Brice PerennialPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Bryce PerennialPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Doba PerennialPot and beddingRedSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Doba PerennialPot and beddingRedSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Imala PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Imala PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Indian Summer PerennialPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Kanika PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Kanika PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Alstroemeria Inticancha® Passion PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Alstroemeria psittacina Mona Lisa PerennialBedding / border plantRedSimple
Alyssum maritimum Clear Crystal White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Alyssum maritimum Clear Crystal White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Andropogon scoparius Prairie Blues PerennialBedding / border plantLight blueSemi-double
Anemone coronaria Mistral® Bianco-Rosso Cut flowerPot and beddingRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. 2015 Anemone coronaria Mistral® Plus Rarity Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Concerto Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Concerto Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Garden Mistral Plus® Bicolore intense Cut flowerPot and beddingRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Garden Mistral Plus® Bicolore soft Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Garden Mistral Plus® Fucsia Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Garden Mistral Plus® Rosa shocking Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Linea Concerto® Fuchsia Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Linea Concerto® Giallo Crema Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Bordeaux Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Magenta Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus Nadja Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus Rarity Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Bianco Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteAnemone
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Bianco centro nero Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteAnemone
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Blu Cut flowerPot and beddingBlueAnemone
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Fucsia Cut flowerPot and beddingLilacAnemone
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Rosa Shokking Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral Plus® Rosso Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Bordeaux Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Magenta Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Plus Nadja Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Rosa chiaro fioritura invernale Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Rosa chiaro fioritura primaverile Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Mistral® Tiger Cut flowerPot and beddingRedSimple
Anemone coronaria L. Pandora® Blu Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Anemone coronaria L. Pandora® Doppio-Rosso Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Angelonia Angelface Blu Bicolor AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketLilacSpiked
Angelonia Angelface Dark Violet AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia Angelface Pink AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPinkSpiked
Angelonia Archangel Blue AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketBlueSpiked
Angelonia Archangel Pink AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPinkSpiked
Angelonia Archangel White AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketWhiteSpiked
Angelonia Serena™ Blue AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia Serenita Mix PerennialPot and beddingMixSimple
Angelonia angustifolia Blue AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSimple
Angelonia angustifolia pac® Adessa Bicolor AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia pac® Adessa Blu AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia pac® Adessa Pink AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPinkSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia pac® Adessa Purple AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia pac® Adessa White AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketWhiteSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serena White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Angelonia angustifolia Serena™ Blue AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serena™ Mix AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketMixSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita Mix Improved AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita Sky Blue AnnualPot and beddingPurpleSimple
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita Speciality Mix AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita™ Lavender Pink AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPinkSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita™ Mixture AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketMixSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita™ Purple AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPurpleSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita™ Raspberry AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketPinkSpiked
Angelonia angustifolia Serenita™ White AnnualPot, bedding, patio, basketWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Animation Deep Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Animation Rose Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Animation White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa Apricot Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa Deep Rose Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa Light Rose Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa Midly White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa Summer Velvet Cut flowerPot and beddingRedSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Costa White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Cut Flower Snapdragon Potomac Lavender Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Cut Flower Snapdragon Red Delilah Cut flowerPot and beddingRedSpiked
Antirrhinum majus F1 Legend Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus F1 Legend White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus F1 Legend Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Antirrhinum majus F1 Montego Formula Mix AnnualPot, bedding, patioMixSimple
Antirrhinum majus Florini® Diana Banjas AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Florini® Diana Flame AnnualPot and beddingRedSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Jumpstart Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Antirrhinum majus Maryland Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Opus Bright Red AnnualPot and beddingRedSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Opus Fresh White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Overture II Ivory II 08 Imp AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Overture II Rose AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Overture II Yellow 08 Imp AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Purple Twist AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Snapdaddy giallo AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Snapdaddy rosa AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Snapdragon Trumpet Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Snapshot Sunset AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Magenta AnnualPot and beddingRedSimple
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Mix AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Red AnnualPot and beddingRedSimple
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Scarlet Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Antirrhinum majus Snaptastic Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Aquilegia caerulea Spring Magic Mix PerennialPot and beddingMixSimple
Aquilegia caerulea Spring Magic Navy and White PerennialPot and beddingBlueSimple
Aquilegia caerulea Winky Pink PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Aquilegia caerulea Winky White PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Aster (Callistephus) Bonita Mix a fiore doppio AnnualCutflowerMixDouble
Aster novi belgii Magic Blu PerennialCutflowerBlueSemi-double
Aster novi belgii Magic Blue Imp PerennialCutflowerBlueSemi-double
Aster novi belgii Magic Purple PerennialCutflowerPurpleSemi-double
Aster novi belgii Magic White PerennialCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Astrantia Major-Hybr. Rosensinfonie (Rose Symphony) PerennialBedding / border plantRedDouble
Astrantia Major-Hybr. Ruby Cloud PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleDouble
Brassica oleracea Crane Bicolor F1 Biennial YellowDouble
Brassica oleracea Crane Red F1 Biennial RedDouble
Brassica oleracea Crane White F1 Biennial WhiteDouble
Brassica oleracea Pink Crane F1 BiennialCutflowerPinkDecorative
Buphtalmum salicifolium Alpengold PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Campanula medium Campana Blue AnnualPot and beddingBlueSimple
Campanula medium Campana Lilac AnnualPot and beddingLilacSimple
Campanula medium Campana Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Carlina acaulis Bronze PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Carlina vulgaris Silver Star PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Celosia argentea cristata Act Dara Cut flowerPot and beddingPurpleCrested
Celosia argentea cristata Act Orla Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeCrested
Celosia argentea cristata Act Rima Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Fidor Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Figo Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Fiora Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Fire Cut flowerPot and beddingRedCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Firosa Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Fisal Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Pink Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Purple Cut flowerPot and beddingPurpleCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Rose Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Salmon Cut flowerPot and beddingRedCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Velvet Cut flowerPot and beddingRedCrested
Celosia cristata Bombay Yellow Gold Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowCrested
Celosia plumosa Sunday Dark Pink AnnualPotPinkSpiked
Celosia plumosa Sunday Orange AnnualPotOrangeSpiked
Celosia plumosa Sunday Red AnnualPotRedSpiked
Celosia plumosa Sunday Salmon AnnualPotOrangeSpiked
Celosia plumosa Sunday Wine Red AnnualPotRedSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Lemon Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Purple AnnualPot and beddingPurpleSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Red AnnualPot and beddingRedSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Salmon AnnualPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway Terracotta AnnualPot and beddingBronze/brownSpiked
Celosia spicata Celway White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Cheiranthus cherii d'autunno mix BiennialPot and beddingMixSimple
Chloris truncata Flying Stars PerennialBedding / border plant Spiked
Chrysanthemum Alexia AnnualPotOrangeBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Aloe Rose 2013 AnnualPot and beddingPinkDecorative
Chrysanthemum Amadea Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Amadores Cut flowerCutflowerYellowAnemone
Chrysanthemum Amazon Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Amazon Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Bronze Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Bronze Cut flowerCutflowerBronze/brownSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Cream Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Cream Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Dark Bronze Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Dark Bronze Cut flowerCutflowerBronze/brownSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Dark Lime Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Green Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Green Cut flowerPot and beddingGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Lilac Cut flowerPot and beddingLilacN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Lilac Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Pink Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Pink Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Special Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Star Mint Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSpider
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Star Pink Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSpider
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Sunny Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Anastasia Sunny Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Apollo Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Aragon Cut flower PurpleN/A
Chrysanthemum Arctic Queen Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Arobaz Rose AnnualPotPinkPomPon
Chrysanthemum Arobaz Rose AnnualPotPinkPomPon
Chrysanthemum Asenka Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Asenka Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Asenka Salmon Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Asenka Splendid Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Atol Violet AnnualPotPurpleDaisy
Chrysanthemum Atol Violet AnnualPotPurpleAnemone
Chrysanthemum Avalon Cream White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteAnemone
Chrysanthemum Avalon Purple AnnualPot and beddingPurpleAnemone
Chrysanthemum Avalon Red AnnualPot and beddingRedAnemone
Chrysanthemum Avalon Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowAnemone
Chrysanthemum Avoriaz Cut flowerBasket / PotWhiteDaisy
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDaisy
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Cream Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Pearl Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Sunny Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Sunny Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDaisy
Chrysanthemum Bacardi Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDaisy
Chrysanthemum Baltica Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Baltica Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Baltica Lime AnnualCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Baltica Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowAnemone
Chrysanthemum Barletta Cut flowerPot and beddingPurpleN/A
Chrysanthemum Belgian Astrix AnnualPot and beddingPurplePomPon
Chrysanthemum Belgian Campina AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Erina Mauve AnnualPot and beddingPurplePomPon
Chrysanthemum Belgian Isaura White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Isaura Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Lana AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Belgian Loretto AnnualPot and beddingRedDecorative
Chrysanthemum Belgian Marjolein Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangePomPon
Chrysanthemum Belgian Marjolein Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Pikato AnnualPot and beddingYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Belgian Renata AnnualPot and beddingBronze/brownDecorative
Chrysanthemum Belgian Samini Jaune AnnualPot and beddingYellowSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Samini Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Samini Rouge AnnualPot and beddingBronze/brownSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Belgian Samini yellow red bronze AnnualPot and beddingMixPomPon
Chrysanthemum Belgian Santana AnnualPot and beddingOrangePomPon
Chrysanthemum Belgian Viola AnnualPot and beddingPurpleDecorative
Chrysanthemum Belgian Vittorio AnnualPot and beddingYellowSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Biarritz Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Biarritz Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Bombini Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDecorative
Chrysanthemum Boris Becker Cut flowerCutflowerWhitePomPon
Chrysanthemum Boula Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Breeze Frost AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDaisy
Chrysanthemum Breeze Rosy AnnualPot and beddingLilacDaisy
Chrysanthemum Brightly Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Cameleon AnnualPotYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Capri Cut flowerCutflowerRedDaisy
Chrysanthemum Capri Orange AnnualPotOrangeAnemone
Chrysanthemum Carolle AnnualCutflowerWhiteDouble
Chrysanthemum Carolle Yellow AnnualCutflowerYellowDouble
Chrysanthemum Cayenne Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Cayenne Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Cefalu Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Celebrate Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Charmena Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Crisantemo a fiore Piccolo Capri Orange AnnualPotOrangeDaisy
Chrysanthemum Crisantemo a fiore Piccolo Rafia Rouge AnnualPotRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Crisantemo a fiore Piccolo Stela Lilas AnnualPotLilacDaisy
Chrysanthemum Cyrano Violet AnnualPotPurplePomPon
Chrysanthemum Cyrano Violet AnnualPotPurplePomPon
Chrysanthemum Dakota Rouge AnnualPot and beddingRedBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Dance Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Dante Cut flower PinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Dante Purple Cut flower PurpleN/A
Chrysanthemum Dante Red Cut flower RedN/A
Chrysanthemum Dante Yellow Cut flower YellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Daybreak Dark Apple Blossom AnnualPotLilacSimple
Chrysanthemum Delianne Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Delianne Green Cut flowerPot and beddingGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Delianne White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Delianne Yellow Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Delianne Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Desna Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Desna Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Diantha Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Diva Rose AnnualPotPinkDaisy
Chrysanthemum Dublin Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Dublin Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Dublin Dark Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Elegance AnnualPot and beddingYellowDaisy
Chrysanthemum Elys Blanc 2013 AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDaisy
Chrysanthemum Elys Jaune AnnualPotYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Elys Jaune AnnualPotYellowDaisy
Chrysanthemum Euro Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Exopolis Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDecorative
Chrysanthemum Feeling Green Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Frigo Blanc AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Fuego Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Fuego Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Gabbana Cut flower WhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Gabbana Yellow Cut flower YellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Gagarin AnnualPotWhiteBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Globe Green Cut flowerPot and beddingGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Goldor Jaune AnnualPot and beddingYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Golette Balma Rouge AnnualPot and beddingRedPomPon
Chrysanthemum Golette Borea Blanc AnnualPot and beddingWhitePomPon
Chrysanthemum Golette Borea Cuivre AnnualPot and beddingOrangePomPon
Chrysanthemum Golette Burma Blanc AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Golette Burma Jaune AnnualPot and beddingYellowSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Golette Rasta Cerise AnnualPot and beddingPinkPomPon
Chrysanthemum Grand Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Grand Pink Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Green Spirit Cut flowerCutflowerGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Gringo Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeDecorative
Chrysanthemum Hastings Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Ibis Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Ibis Sunny Cut flowerCutflowerYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Jacqueline Orange Red AnnualPot and beddingOrangeDecorative
Chrysanthemum Jacqueline Peach Fusion AnnualPot and beddingRedDecorative
Chrysanthemum Jacqueline Pearl AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Jacqueline Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkDecorative
Chrysanthemum Kastelli Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Kastelli Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Komodo Creme AnnualPot and beddingYellowBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Korona Cut flowerCutflowerYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Korus AnnualPot and beddingPurpleDecorative
Chrysanthemum Le Mans Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Lingo Jaune AnnualPot and beddingYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Lisboa Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Lisboa Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleN/A
Chrysanthemum Louna Pourpre 2013 AnnualPot and beddingRedDecorative
Chrysanthemum Luba Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDecorative
Chrysanthemum Luxor Jaune 2013 AnnualPot and beddingYellowSpider
Chrysanthemum Malibu Citron 2013 AnnualPot and beddingYellowBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Manadou Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Manadou Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Managua Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Managua Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Managua Orange Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Chrysanthemum Managua Orange Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Managua Red Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Managua Red Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Chrysanthemum Manya Cut flowerCutflowerRedAnemone
Chrysanthemum Merlot Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Mila AnnualPot and beddingYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Milano Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Milano Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Milano Bronze Cut flowerCutflowerBronze/brownSimple
Chrysanthemum Milano White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Milano White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Milano Yellow Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Mystic Mums Experimental 2014 AnnualPotPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Nicosia Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Nikita AnnualPot and beddingWhiteBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Noa Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Orinoco Cut flowerPot and beddingPurpleN/A
Chrysanthemum Orinoco Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Chrysanthemum Orinoco Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Palisade AnnualCutflowerWhiteBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Panama Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Pantheon Cut flowerCutflowerRedDecorative
Chrysanthemum Pasoa Vanille 2013 AnnualPot and beddingYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Pasoa® Miel AnnualPot and beddingOrangeDecorative
Chrysanthemum Rafia Rouge AnnualPotRedDaisy
Chrysanthemum Rainbow Candy AnnualPot and beddingLilacDaisy
Chrysanthemum Raisa Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Rambla Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Redstart Cut flowerCutflowerRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Reykjavik Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Roma Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Roma Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Roma Dark Cut flowerCutflowerRedSpoon shaped
Chrysanthemum Roma Red Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Rossano Dark Cut flower PinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Rossano Orange Cut flower OrangeN/A
Chrysanthemum Rossano Rosa Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDecorative
Chrysanthemum Rossano Yellow AnnualCutflowerYellowBall shaped
Chrysanthemum Saba Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteAnemone
Chrysanthemum Safin Purple Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleAnemone
Chrysanthemum Salvador Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDecorative
Chrysanthemum Samos Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Samos Yellow Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Savona Jaune AnnualPotYellowPomPon
Chrysanthemum Savona Jaune AnnualPotYellowPomPon
Chrysanthemum Sella Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Sella Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Sienna Cut flowerPot and beddingRedN/A
Chrysanthemum Soundtrack Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Spinelli Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Stabilo Jaune AnnualPotYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Stabilo Jaune AnnualPotYellowPomPon
Chrysanthemum Stallion Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteAnemone
Chrysanthemum Stallion Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDecorative
Chrysanthemum Stela Lilas AnnualPotLilacDaisy
Chrysanthemum Stellini Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDaisy
Chrysanthemum Sultan Cerise AnnualPot and beddingPinkSemi-double
Chrysanthemum Swifty Orange Bicolour AnnualPotOrangeSimple
Chrysanthemum Taormina Splendid Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Tequila Cut flowerCutflowerRedDaisy
Chrysanthemum Topaz Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteAnemone
Chrysanthemum Veneri Bianco Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Veneri Giallo Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Veneri Giallo AnnualPotYellowSpider
Chrysanthemum Venice Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Venice Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Vienna 2010 AnnualPotLilacPomPon
Chrysanthemum Vienna Copper AnnualPotBronze/brownPomPon
Chrysanthemum Vienna Cream AnnualPotGreenPomPon
Chrysanthemum Vienna White AnnualPotWhitePomPon
Chrysanthemum Vigo Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Vinci Jaune AnnualPot and beddingYellowAnemone
Chrysanthemum Vulcano Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Chrysanthemum Vulcano Dark Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Wimbledon Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkN/A
Chrysanthemum Yarada AnnualCutflowerYellowSpider
Chrysanthemum Zelda Violet 2013 AnnualPot and beddingPurpleDecorative
Chrysanthemum Zembla Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Zembla Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Zembla Cream Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Zembla Funky Cut flowerPot and beddingGreenN/A
Chrysanthemum Zembla Lime Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum Zembla Sunny Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowN/A
Chrysanthemum Zembla Sunny Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Chrysanthemum Zembla Tiny Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum Zembla White Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteN/A
Chrysanthemum maximum Brightside PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Chrysanthemum maximum Snowdrift PerennialPot, bedding, patio, basketWhiteSemi-double
Coreopsis auriculata f. nana Elfin Gold PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Coreopsis auriculata f. nana Highland Blast PerennialPot and beddingRedSimple
Coreopsis auriculata f. nana Highland Gold PerennialPot and beddingYellowSimple
Coreopsis auriculata f. nana Highland Honey PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Andiamo AnnualPot, bedding, patioYellowSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Cherry Pie PerennialPot and beddingRedSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Illico PerennialPot and beddingYellowSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Little Penny PerennialPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Pineapple Pie PerennialPot and beddingYellowSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Pumpkin Pie PerennialPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Solanna Golden Sphere AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora Sun Up PerennialPot and beddingYellowSimple
Coreopsis grandiflora SunKiss PerennialPot and beddingYellowSimple
Cosmos bipinnatus Casanova Mix AnnualPot, bedding, patioMixSimple
Cosmos bipinnatus Casanova Red AnnualPot, bedding, patioRedSimple
Cosmos bipinnatus Mix AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Delphinium elatum Aurora F1 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDecorative
Delphinium elatum Aurora F1 Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDecorative
Delphinium elatum Aurora F1 Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDecorative
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Blue Lace PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Blushing Brides PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Double Innocence PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Double Stars PerennialBedding / border plantMixSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Dusky Maidens PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Green Twist PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Innocence PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Misty Mauves PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Morning Lights PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series New Zealand Hybr. Mix PerennialBedding / border plantMixSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Pagan Purples PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Pink Punch PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Purple Passion PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Royal Aspirations PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Sunny Skies PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Super Stars (Genuine Mix) PerennialBedding / border plantMixSpiked
Delphinium elatum New Millennium Series Sweethearts PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Aurora Mauve AnnualPot and beddingLilacSimple
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant Black Knight PerennialPot and beddingPurpleSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant Guinevere PerennialPot and beddingLilacSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant King Arthur PerennialPot and beddingBlueSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant Mix PerennialPot and beddingMixSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant Percival PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Benary's Pacific Giant Summer Skies PerennialPot and beddingLight blueSpiked
Delphinium hybrida Red Caroline AnnualPotPinkSimple
Delphinium x cultorum Centurion Royal Purple F1 PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleSpiked
Dianthus barbatus Sweet Mix da reciso PerennialPot and beddingMixSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Argan Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Arnolfo Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Artemis Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Astral Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Bacarat PerennialCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Bagnacavallo Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Battistello Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Bella Luce PerennialCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Benvenuti Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Bergamasco Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Bernini Fantasi Viola Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Bertoja Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Bizet PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Brunelleschi PerennialCutflowerGreenSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Buffalmacco PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Canaletto Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus CanCan F1 Cocktail Party Mix BiennialPot and beddingMixDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Carnelia Vermeer AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Cayenne Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Ceranino Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Cino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Circeo Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Clemente Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Creola Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Dentone Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Diantica® Burgundy AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Diantica® Pink Eye AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Diantica® Rasberry Cream AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Diantica® Wild Berry AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Diogenes Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Dorado Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Dustin Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Erg Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Everest PerennialCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus F1 Can Can AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Fantasy Pepermint Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Ferrucci Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Festival PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Formigine Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani a mazzolino Albatros Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani a mazzolino Rondine Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Bizet Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Botticeli Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Casanova Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Leopardi Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Pintado Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Tico Tico Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Tico Tico Bianco Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Garofani standard Tico Tico Rosa Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Genovese Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Ghirlandaio Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Goblin Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Goblin Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Goblin Cut flowerCutflowerGreenDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Grace AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Grace PerennialCutflowerRedSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Guetta Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Hamada Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Hurricane Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Jade AnnualCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Jade PerennialCutflowerGreenSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Kabul Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Kana PerennialCutflowerPurpleSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Kiss Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Kleos PerennialCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Klèos Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Led Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Leon Bianco Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Leopardi Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Lippi arancio puro PerennialCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Lorrain Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Lucchesino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Lucchesino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Magagnò Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Maggiotto Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Mandalay PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Mandalay AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Marek Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Marescalco AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Maverick Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Mediterraneo Hyeres AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Mediterraneo Malta AnnualPotOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Milka Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Mino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Mirò Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Modanino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Murillo Crema Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nirvana Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Black Heart Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Burgundy Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Crimson PerennialCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® DolceNero Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Hard Rock Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Lavender Chic Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Pink Delight Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Spotlight Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Violet Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Nobbio® Watermelon PerennialCutflowerOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Olympia Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oriental Bien Fait AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Oriental Camille Pink AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Ormea AnnualCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Ormea PerennialCutflowerRedSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar White+Red AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar® Pink AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar® Pink AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar® Salmon AnnualPot and beddingPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar®Pink Star AnnualPot and beddingPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar®Purple Star AnnualPot and beddingPurpleDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar™ Purple Wings BiennialCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar™ Salmon BiennialCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Oscar™ White+Red BiennialCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Palladio Bianco-Nero Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Palladio Malva Bordato Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Parmigianino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Perugino PerennialCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Piccio Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Pintado Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Pitocchetto Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Poliziano Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Pollaiolo Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Ramaya PerennialCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Randal Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Raspberry Ripple Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Riccio Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Rodolfo Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Rodolfo PerennialCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Romany Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Rondine Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sangallo Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Saphir Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Scarpagnino Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Scarsellino Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Schiavone Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Scipione Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Shamano Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sinai Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Snow Storm Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Snow Storm PerennialCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sordino Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Spadarino Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Spadarino Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Special Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sperandio Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Springfield PerennialCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Springfield AnnualCutflowerOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sprint Bosco AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sprint Mondriaan AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Sprint Quevedo AnnualPotYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Suncharm Rose Picotee AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Suncharm Rose Picotee AnnualCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Suncharm Rose Picotee AnnualBedding pot or basketPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Super Trouper® Diogenes AnnualPotPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Super Trouper® Sammy AnnualPotRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Super Trouper® Sissy AnnualPotPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus SuperTrouper® Amy AnnualPot and beddingRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus SuperTrouper® Sally AnnualPot and beddingPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Suri PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Sven Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Tamarind Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Tico Tico Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Tico Tico Fantasi Nuova Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Tico Tico Giallo Porpora Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Tico Tico Viola Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Tura Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus U2 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Ugolino Cut flowerCutflowerRedSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Verrocchio Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Villani Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Vincidor Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Vincidor Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Viper Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Viper Wine Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Dianthus caryophyllus Vogue PerennialCutflowerPurpleSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Volterrano Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Walker Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Dianthus caryophyllus Wine Viper PerennialCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Dianthus caryophyllus Zingarello Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Digitalis ferruginea Gigantea Gelber Herold PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Apricot PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian Cream PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian Formula Mixture PerennialBedding / border plantMixSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian Peach PerennialBedding / border plantOrangeSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian Purple Improved PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian Rose PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Dalmatian White Improved PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Snow Thimble PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Digitalis purpurea Virtuoso Cream AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Digitalis purpurea Virtuoso Lavender AnnualPot and beddingLilacSimple
Digitalis purpurea Virtuoso Red AnnualPotRedSimple
Digitalis purpurea Virtuoso Rose Compact AnnualPotPinkSimple
Digitalis purpurea Virtuoso White AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Dodecatheon tetrandrum Rotlicht PerennialBedding / border plantRedSpiked
Doronicum orientale Leonardo™ PerennialBedding / border plantYellowDaisy
Echinacea pallida Hula Dancer PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Echinacea purpurea Ruby Star PerennialBedding / border plantRedSimple
Echinops bannaticus Star Frost PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Echinops sphaerocephalus Arctic Glow PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Elsuminga Elsuminga N/A N/A
Eryngium alpinum Blue Star PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSpiked
Eryngium planum Blue Glitter PerennialCutflowerBlueDouble
Eryngium planum White Glitter PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Gaillardia aristata Amber Wheels PerennialCutflowerYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Alcatraz Cut flowerCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Alliance® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Amelie AnnualPotWhiteSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Amico® N/A YellowN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Antibes Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Artist® AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Balance® N/ACutflowerWhiteN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Bellavue® AnnualPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Big Ben Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Bolivar Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Boomerang Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Brandy Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Bravoure® N/A PinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Bridget Cut flowerPotLilacSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Cacharelle® N/ACutflowerPinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Caleb Cut flowerCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Carambole® N/ACutflowerRedN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Caravaggio® AnnualPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Carpe Diem® N/A OrangeN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Corinto Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Dawn Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Delya bicolore AnnualPotPurpleDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Domitille Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Dune® N/ACutflowerOrangeN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Eclair® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Entourage® N/ACutflowerOrangeN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Faith Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Febe AnnualPotYellowDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Festival Orange F1 AnnualCutflowerOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Festival Spider Yellow AnnualCutflowerYellowSpider
Gerbera jamesonii Gallardo® N/A RedN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Goldstrike® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Graffiti Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Greeny® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Happy Hour Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Honolulu Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Imany Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Inferno® N/A RedN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Jasmine Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Julia AnnualPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Kento® N/A YellowN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Kyllian Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Lizzy Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Macondo Cut flowerPotPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Macondo Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Mai Tai Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Manhattan Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Marinilla AnnualPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Marisol Cut flowerCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Martino AnnualPotYellowDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Maxima Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Melita Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Mermaid Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Mexx® N/ACutflowerOrangeN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Miguel AnnualPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Mirandita® AnnualPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Mission Cut flowerPotPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Mon Amour Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Morelia AnnualCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Natalia Cut flowerPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Natan AnnualCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Natasha Cut flowerPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Navona Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Nek AnnualCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Paintball Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Panama® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Passage Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Perla Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Philippa Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Pia AnnualCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Pocho Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Pre-Intenzz® N/A PinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Pre-Semmy® N/A PinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Presto® AnnualPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Raffinee® N/ACutflowerPinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Alison Cut flowerPotPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Beverly Cut flowerPotLilacSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Candy Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Chrystal Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Dana Cut flowerPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Darwin Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Havana Cut flowerPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Kayla Cut flowerPotPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Maxima Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Meringa Cut flowerPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Minerva Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Momo Cut flowerPotLilacSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Morgana Cut flowerPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Muriel Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Nuvola Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Rhoda Cut flowerPotRedSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Sofia Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Terry Cut flowerPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Top Model Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Trend One Cut flowerPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii RE-AL® Zoe Cut flowerPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Red Trip AnnualCutflowerRedSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Reflex Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Rihanna® N/A PinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Rionegro Cut flowerPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Rionegro 2011 AnnualPotPinkSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Rosalin® N/ACutflowerPinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Rosario® AnnualPotPinkSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Shana AnnualPotOrangeDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Shania® N/A RedN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Soho® N/A RedN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Solange AnnualCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Soraya AnnualCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Spike Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Stella® N/ACutflowerYellowN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Submarine® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Submarine® N/A YellowN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Sunny Side® AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Sunrich Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Van Gogh® N/A PinkN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Venganz® AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Vilassar AnnualPotYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Violante AnnualPotPurpleDouble
Gerbera jamesonii Vitara® AnnualPotPurpleSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Walhalla® N/A OrangeN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Wannabe® AnnualPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Woodstock Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Yellow Magic Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Yellow Magic Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Gerbera jamesonii Zembla® N/ACutflowerWhiteN/A
Gerbera jamesonii Zodiac® AnnualPotOrangeSimple
Gerbera jamesonii Zodiac® N/A OrangeN/A
Goniolimon collinum Sea Spray PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Estelle Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Gypsophila eVita Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Gypsophila Gypsophila Blossom Pearls® Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearl Blossom Cut flowerBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearls Petite AnnualBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearls® Blossom PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearls® Ginga PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearls® Ginga way Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Gypsophila Pearls® Ginga-way PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSemi-double
Gypsophila Pearls® Petite PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSemi-double
Gypsophila Petite Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Helenium bigelovii Tip Top PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Arena Champagne F1 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Helianthus annuus Bingo AnnualCutflowerYellowSemi-double
Helianthus annuus Buttercream F1 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSpray
Helianthus annuus Cleopatra AnnualCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Full Sun Improved F1 Cut flowerCutflowerRedDecorative
Helianthus annuus Girasole Sunsation Mix AnnualPatio, potMixSimple
Helianthus annuus Luna Rossa Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Luxor AnnualCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Magic Orange Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Helianthus annuus Orange Star Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunbright Supreme Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Lemon Summer Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Limoncello Summer AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Orange AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Orange DMR AnnualPot and beddingOrangeSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Orange DMR AnnualPatio, potYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Orange F1 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Sunrich Orange Summer Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDecorative
Helianthus annuus Sunrich® Limoncello Summer F1 AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Tiffany F1 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDecorative
Helianthus annuus Vincent®s Choice AnnualCutflowerYellowSimple
Helianthus annuus Vincent®s Fresh AnnualCutflowerYellowSimple
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Braxi Gold AnnualPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Braxi Red AnnualPot and beddingRedDouble
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Braxi Violet AnnualPot and beddingPurpleDouble
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Braxi Yellow AnnualPot and beddingYellowDouble
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Silver AnnualPot and bedding Double
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Silver AnnualPot and bedding Double
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Silverstar AnnualPot and bedding Double
Helichrysum (Bracteantha) Silverstar AnnualPot and bedding Double
Heliopsis helianthoides Summer Nights PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Heliopsis helianthoides Winter Sun PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Blue Lady PerennialPot and beddingBlueSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Blue Metallic Lady PerennialBedding / border plantBlueSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Double Ladies Mixed PerennialBedding / border plantMixSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Picotee Lady PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Pink Lady PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Pink Spotted Lady PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Red Lady PerennialBedding / border plantRedSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. White Lady PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. White Spotted Lady PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Helleborus Orientalis-Hybr. Yellow Lady PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Incarvillea sinensis Cheron Pink PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSimple
Lathyrus odoratus Fantasia Mixed AnnualBedding / border plantMixSimple
Lilium Martagon-Hybr Painted Ladies PerennialBedding / border plantMixSimple
Limonium sinuatum Qis Bianco Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteSpiked
Limonium sinuatum Qis Giallo Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowSpiked
Linaria maroccana Lace series Cut flowerCutflowerMixSpray
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Advantage Cherry Sorbet Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Advantage Green Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Advantage Purple Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena Apricot Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena F1 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena Gold F1 Cut flower YellowDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena IV White F1 Cut flower WhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena Kilimajaro F1 Cut flower WhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Arena Pink Flash F1 Cut flower PinkDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Borealis White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Apricot AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Apricot AnnualPotPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Light Pink AnnualPotPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Light Pink AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Rose AnnualCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Corelli Rose AnnualPotPinkSemi-double
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma Green AnnualPotGreenSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma I Green AnnualPotGreenSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma III Silky White AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma III Yellow AnnualPotYellowSemi-double
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma Lavender F1 Cut flower LilacDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma Silky White AnnualCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma White F1 Cut flower WhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Croma Yellow AnnualCutflowerYellowSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Echo Champagne Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Flamenco Purple Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lis_Echo Champagne Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisi Borealis White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisi Mariachi Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisi Piccolo1 Blue Rim Cut flowerCutflowerBlueSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisi Rosita White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisianthus Arena Red Cut flowerCutflowerRedSemi-double
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Lisianthus Arena White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSemi-double
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Magic Mix Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Mariachi Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Mariachi® Pure White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Matador White AnnualPotWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Piccolo Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Rosita White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Super Magic Lavender Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Vulcan F1 Purple Picotee Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleDecorative
Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) Vulcan F1 series Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Adom Red Picotee Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Advantage Cherry Sorbet Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Advantage Green Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Advantage Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Green Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Red Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Rose Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Rose Picotee Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna White Improved Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Cessna Yellow Improved Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Croma Lavender Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Matador White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Apricot 668 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Cherry Sorbet 1355 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Deep Blue 752 Cut flowerCutflowerBlueSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Lavender Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Lavender 696 Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Lavender Blue 805 Cut flowerCutflowerBlueSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Peach 588 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Purple Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic White 791 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus (Eustoma rusellianum) Super Magic Yellow 567 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Lisianthus F.1 Lisianthus Rosita 2 White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Blue Picotee Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Champagne Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Deep Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Green Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Misty Pink Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Rose Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Rose Picotee Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Magic Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Piccolo 1 Pink Rim Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Apricot Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Cherry Sorbet Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Deep Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Lavender Blue Cut flowerCutflowerBlueDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Peach Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Lisianthus F.1 Super Magic Yellow Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Lobelia fulgens Queen Victoria PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia fulgens Queen Victoria (Elmfeuer) PerennialBedding / border plantRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Compliment Deep Red PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Compliment Mix PerennialPot and beddingMixSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Compliment Scarlet PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Crimson PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Blue PerennialPot and beddingBlueSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Burgundy PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Salmon PerennialPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Salmon AnnualBedding / border plantPinkSimple
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Salmon AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Lobelia speciosa Fan® Scarlet PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Rose PerennialPot and beddingPinkSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Scarlet PerennialPot and beddingRedSpiked
Lobelia speciosa Starship Dee Rose PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Matthiola incana Canneto White Cut flowerBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Matthiola incana Iron Cherry blossom AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Matthiola incana Iron Deep Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Matthiola incana Iron Marine AnnualPot and beddingLilacSimple
Matthiola incana Iron Purple AnnualPot and beddingPurpleSimple
Matthiola incana Iron Purple AnnualPot and beddingPurpleSimple
Matthiola incana Iron Rose Pink AnnualPot and beddingPinkSimple
Matthiola incana Katz Blue AnnualPot and beddingPurpleSpiked
Matthiola incana Katz Crimson AnnualBedding / border plantPinkDouble
Matthiola incana Katz Purple AnnualBedding / border plantPurpleDouble
Matthiola incana Katz Ruby AnnualPot and beddingRedSpiked
Matthiola incana Noble White Cut flowerBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Matthiola incana Regal White AnnualPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Matthiola incana Regal White Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSpiked
Matthiola incana Stock Noble Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Matthiola incana Violacciocca Baby Mix AnnualPot and beddingMixSimple
Osteospermum Astra Yellow Apricot AnnualPot and beddingYellowSimple
Papaver nudicaule Colibrì Arancio Cut flower OrangeSimple
Papaver nudicaule Colibrì Rosa chiaro pastello Cut flower PinkSimple
Papaver nudicaule Colibrì Rosa intenso salmonato Cut flower PinkSimple
Papaver nudicaule Colibrì® Arancio Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Papaver nudicaule Partyfun PerennialPot and beddingMixSimple
Phalaenopsis Vanda MultiannualPotWhiteSimple
Phalaenopsis Vanda MultiannualPotPinkSimple
Phalaenopsis Vanda MultiannualPotRedSimple
Phalaenopsis Vanda MultiannualPotPurpleSimple
Phalaenopsis Vanda MultiannualPotPurpleSimple
Platycodon grandiflorus Hakone White PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSemi-double
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance Bianco Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Albicocca 08 Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Arancio Festival® Cut flowerCutflowerOrangePomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco 01-04 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco 28-99 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco 59-99 Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco Sfumato Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Bianco Striato Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Ciclamino 131-01 Cut flowerCutflowerLilacSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Ciclamino 46-08 Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Ciclamino 94-08 Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clair Matin Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 03-08 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 04-M Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 115 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 131 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 38-10 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 50-98 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Clementine 72-02 Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Festival® Arancio Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Festival® Bianco Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Festival® Bianco centro verde Cut flowerPot and beddingWhiteDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Festival® Giallo centro verde Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Festival® Rosa Scuro Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo 02-91 Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo 3-06 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo 81 Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo 99-1 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo 99-1B Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Giallo-2-10 Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Pastello Cut flowerCutflowerPinkPomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Pastello Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Pesca Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa 02-89 Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa 89-02 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa 99-5 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Chiaro 129-03 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Chiaro 1P10 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Chiaro 81-99 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Chiaro 87 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Scuro 202-03 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Scuro 38-98 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Scuro 39-98 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosa Scuro 83 Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosso 154-10 Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosso 197-01 Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosso 232-03 Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosso 99-5 Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Rosso 99-6 Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Vaniglia Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Elegance® Viola 06 Cut flowerPot and beddingPurpleDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Millepetali® Rosa scuro Cut flowerCutflowerPinkPomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Ponpon Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Ponpon Minerva Cut flowerCutflowerOrangePomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® BiennialPot and beddingOrangeBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® BiennialPot and beddingYellowBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® BiennialPot and beddingYellowBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® BiennialPot and beddingYellowBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® BiennialPot and beddingPinkBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Draco Cut flowerCutflowerRedPomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Flora Biennial GreenBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Igloo Cut flowerCutflowerWhitePomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Merlino Cut flowerCutflowerYellowPomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Mignon Biennial PinkBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Minerva Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® mix BiennialPot and beddingMixBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Silente Cut flowerCutflowerWhitePomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Silente Biennial GreenBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pon-Pon® Trilly Biennial OrangeBall shaped
Ranunculus asiaticus Pratolino® Giallo Cut flowerCutflowerYellowPomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Serie Elegance® BiennialPot and beddingMixDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Arthur Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Auriga Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Baiaverde Cut flowerCutflowerGreenSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Bruce Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Camporosso Cut flowerCutflowerOrangePomPon
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Camporosso Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Commedia Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Daphne Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Edison Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Elios Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Felicidade Cut flower WhiteN/A
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Firenze Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Grand Pastel Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Grimaldi Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Hanbury Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Hanoi Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Juny Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Ken Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Lambada Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Laser Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Lemon Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Lulù Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Magic Cut flower LilacN/A
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Mambo Cut flower OrangeN/A
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Merengue Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Milonga Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Minou Cut flowerCutflowerBronze/brownSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Nerone Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Pareo Cut flower YellowN/A
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Passion Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Peonia Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Pluto Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Renoir Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Rio Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Rosado Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Saigon Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Sangria Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Saturno Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Shangai Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Sheherazade Cut flowerCutflowerMixSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Swami Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Swami Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Tango Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Triora Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Tropico Cut flowerPot and beddingOrangeDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Venere Cut flowerPot and beddingPinkDouble
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Venusia Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Viola 06 Cut flowerCutflowerPurpleSimple
Ranunculus asiaticus Success® Vulcano Cut flowerPot and beddingYellowDouble
Rosa floribunda Charleston® PerennialCutflowerOrangeSimple
Rosa floribunda Flame Meillandina® PerennialBedding / border plantYellowDouble
Rosa floribunda Flame Meillandina® PerennialBedding / border plantYellowDouble
Rosa floribunda Lady Romantica PerennialPot and beddingWhiteDouble
Rosa floribunda Pink Eureka PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Rosa floribunda Princesse Charlene de Monaco PerennialPot and beddingPinkSimple
Rosa paesaggistica Donne d'Italia PerennialBedding / border plantMixSimple
Rosa paesaggistica Duchessa di Galliera PerennialBedding / border plantPinkDouble
Rosa paesaggistica Fiore dei Diritti Umani PerennialBedding / border plantMixSemi-double
Rosa paesaggistica Mystica® PerennialBedding / border plantMixSimple
Rosa paesaggistica Romanov PerennialBedding / border plantMixSemi-double
Rosa Tea Antarctic Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Rosa Tea Baccara® Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Rosa Tea Black Baccara® Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Rosa Tea Boeing Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteDouble
Rosa Tea Dancing Queen Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Grand Prix PerennialCutflowerRedDouble
Rosa Tea Homerun PerennialCutflowerPinkDouble
Rosa Tea Jupiter Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Rosa Tea Milva Cut flowerCutflowerOrangeSimple
Rosa Tea Passoa Cut flowerCutflowerPinkDouble
Rosa Tea Polarstar Cut flowerCutflowerWhiteSimple
Rosa Tea Pole Position Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Rosa Tea Prestige Cut flowerCutflowerRedSimple
Rosa Tea PRETTY WOMAN® var. Meitroni PerennialCutflowerPinkDouble
Rosa Tea PRETTY WOMAN® var. Meitroni PerennialCutflowerPinkDouble
Rosa Tea PRETTY WOMAN® var. Meitroni PerennialCutflowerPinkDouble
Rosa Tea Prince Rainier III PerennialBedding / border plantMixSimple
Rosa Tea Red Champ Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Rosa Tea Revival Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Romance Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Rosalie Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Simona Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Suela Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Rosa Tea Sunremo Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Rosa Tea Topaz Cut flowerCutflowerPinkSimple
Rosa Tea Utopia Cut flowerCutflowerRedDouble
Rosa Tea Virna Lisi® PerennialCutflowerWhiteSimple
Rosa Tea Virna Lisi® PerennialCutflowerWhiteSimple
Rosa Tea Virna Lisi® PerennialCutflowerWhiteSimple
Rosa Tea Wisdom Cut flowerCutflowerYellowDouble
Rudbeckia hirta Tiger Eye Gold AnnualBedding / border plantYellowSimple
Salvia pratensis Ballett-Serie Meadow Ballet Blend PerennialBedding / border plantMixSpiked
Salvia pratensis Ballett-Serie Rose Rhapsody PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Scabiosa caucasica Fama® Deep Blue PerennialPot and beddingBlueSimple
Scabiosa caucasica Fama® White PerennialPot and beddingWhiteSimple
Sidalcea malviflora Purpetta PerennialBedding / border plantPurpleSpiked
Sidalcea malviflora Rosaly PerennialBedding / border plantPinkSpiked
Solidago Estelle PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Solidago Estelle AnnualBedding / border plantWhiteSimple
Solidago Evita PerennialCutflowerYellowSpiked
Solidago Knock Out PerennialBedding / border plantYellowClustered
Solidago Knock Out Cut flowerBedding / border plantYellowClustered
Solidago Solidago Knock Out Cut flowerCutflowerYellowSimple
Sorghastrum nutans Indian Steel PerennialBedding / border plantBronze/brownSpiked
Stokesia laevis Omega Skyrocket PerennialBedding / border plantBlueDouble
Succisella inflexa Frosted Pearls PerennialBedding / border plantBlueDouble
Verbascum chaixii Sixteen Candles PerennialBedding / border plantYellowSpiked
Verbascum chaixii Wedding Candles PerennialBedding / border plantWhiteSpiked
Viola wittrockiana Moulin Rouge Mix BiennialCutflowerMixSimple
Zinnia elegans a fiore piccolo mix AnnualBedding / border plantMixDouble
Zinnia elegans Benary's Giant Wine AnnualBedding / border plantRedDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado Bronze AnnualBedding / border plantYellowDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado cream AnnualBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado Mix AnnualBedding / border plantMixDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado red AnnualBedding / border plantRedDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado rose AnnualBedding / border plantPinkDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado White AnnualBedding / border plantWhiteDouble
Zinnia elegans Eldorado Yellow AnnualBedding / border plantYellowDouble
Pot bedding Cut flower

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